Donate for NEO Fest


Directions to Burbank Senior Artists Colony

Join us in April at this North Hollywood area venue! 

Directions to Piedmont Senior Apartments 



Donate for Zeitgeist

We hope you enjoyed viewing ZEITGEIST: LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES and will encourage others to check it out here.  There is no obligation, but donations to NEO Ensemble Theatre are always appreciated!




By mastering the art of using green screens and inspired by Pageant of the Masters, Michael Caldwell & Rachel Winfree have created THE ART OF CALDWELL & WINFREE — a fun and fast romp of a show.  Caldwell & Winfree have imagined an array of characters inspired by art pieces that they perform with and within.  It is absolutely free to see the show by clicking on the following link. However, THE ART OF CALDWELL & WINFREE is here as a fundraiser for NEO Ensemble Theatre as we move to producing live theatre in the Fall.  So if you feel inclined, any donation is greatly appreciated.  Now kick back and enjoy the show

Donate Now



“Neo’s productions are always informed by a rich, sunny humanity, without cynicism or bitterness.”  –   L.A. Weekly